Forward By Dr. George Annadorai

Forward By George Annodorai

Marriage is taking a beating unlike any time in history. Everything we have come to believe and cherish is being questioned. These questions are not only coming from the non-Christian community, the Christian community too has many question regarding the “rules and rituals” governing a marriage relationship. There is , however, a strange silence in the church on matters related to intimacy within marriage.

And where can sincere Christian, who are looking for answers beyond the surface, go to ? Most literature on marriage and intimacy penned by Christian authors, sincere as they are, are not asking the right questions and therefore they tend to provide answers that most Christians are already well aware of or are not asking. For some strange reason, Christians are not coming out publicly with those questions and books are not taking up these questions either. In the field of counselling, this is called “denial” - denying the reality of matters related to marriage. And like all “denials”, the symptoms are obvious even in the Church. Denials, if not addressed and arrested. Eventually leads to dysfunctional behaviour, which leads to depression, which leads to destruction. Ministry Today (July 2000 issue) reported that divorce among Christians are higher than non-Christians today ! We read and we wonder why.

Well, I for one, am happy Adrian Chua has written a book attempting to break both the silence and the denial. Read long ! If you are a married person, you will appreciate his candidacy on this subject. Simply put , this book can alternatively be titled, “Questions related to intimacy in marriage but were afraid to ask”.

Adrian is bold and he hopes to bless his readers.

Dr. George Annadorai
Certified Marital / Family Therapist (London/Singapore)
Member of the Association of Marital & Family Therapists, Singapore
August 2000