Forward By Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Forward By Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Brother Adrian and his dear wife Mae are known to me since 1994. I thank God for the love, kindness, fellowship and care which this precious couple had extended to me all these years.

They are a loving couple. Not only are they husband and wife but also close friends. During the twenty years of my ministry, many times I have been through “embarrassing” situations where men and women in seeking prayer have confided to me their sexual problems in their married lives. Why did I felt “embarrassed” ? Firstly I identified with the embarrassment of the men and women who confided with me their marital problems. Secondly, being a celibate, I “felt embarrassed” with details of sexual-marital woes. But these embarrassments are largely due to my ignorance of sex and my inability to wisely counsel men and women in this field.

So when our dear brother Adrian requested for my counsel on his plans for writing a book on such a topic, I heartily encouraged him to do so. I believe he has done a good job of addressing a “taboo” subject. I sincerely and humbly believe that this book will be a great blessing to many sincere and godly Christian couples who are looking for answers for an enriching and blissful marital life.

Your loving brother

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Jesus Ministries